St Peters Seminary

This place was brutally ugly to start and even more so in death nether the less having the opportunity to see its bones i am thankful for, there’s a wealth of information on this place including some floor plans and a really cool video on YouTube (embedded below)

This is one the younger buildings I’ve visited not that you can tell by the state of it.

St Peter’s seminary was commissioned in 1958 by the Archbishop of Glasgow. Now redundant it has been systematically vandalised and is now reduced to a ruinous skeleton. Designed by innovative architects, Metzstein and MacMillan (who ran the Gillespie, Kidd and Coia architectural practice after the war (overseen by Jack Coia) it is hailed as one of the finest modern buildings of the day and was recognised as such when it was awarded the prestigious RIBA Architecture award in 1967. Influenced by the architecture of Le Corbusier and in particular his monastery of La Tourette, they took the traditional monastic plan and reshaped it to form a totally modern idiom in terms of planning, of interrelated spaces which are expressed on the exterior by the change of form and materials and with technical virtuosity they achieved a complex of buildings of amazing effects and sculptural quality. Kilmahew House was demolished in 1995 following fire damage.

Great article !

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