This place is a stunning industrial time capsule, although really difficult to navigate and even more so to photograph its a reminder of a world we simply have outgrown! This mill at some time within the 20th century would have supplied the local with electricity, It was also a mill that had the capability of completing the entire wool process.
Later C19 woollen mill. Water-wheel dated 1891 on water-wheel. A Pelton wheel added later. The mill provided electricity for local town in earlier C20. Said to have been in operation from 1860-1962, owned throughout by the Morgan family.
It has complete surviving late C19 or early C20 machinery, carding engines, looms warping frame etc on ground floor, two spinning mules on first floor.
A rare surviving example of a late C19 rural textile factory, of special interest for the late use of water power, and as a comprehensive mill carrying out all processes of woollen production.
Royal Commission on Ancient and Historic Monuments, Aberystwyth.